12 Brilliant Character Design Tutorials

Hi Everyone! This post took really long time as I was busy in some project. Okay, in this post as always I have compiled some of the best Character Design Tutorials. Go through each of the following tutorial and finally design your original character. Submit your very own Character Designs  in the Comments and these Designs will be published in this blog.

1. How to Create a Cartoon Character with Expressive Lines

2. How to Create a Vector Illustration and Prepare it for Micro-Stock Sale

3. How to Illustrate a LeBron James Cartoon Character

4. Learn a Professional Workflow for Illustrating a Comic-Style Header Image

5. Illustrator Tutorial – Create a Gang of Vector Ninjas

6. Drawing a Character’s Face in Illustrator

7. Drunken Monkey Photoshop Tutorial

8. Painting Tutorial

9. Create a Super Happy Octopus Character

10. Primitive Art Man Cartoon

11. How to Illustrate a Cute Emo Kid

12. Draw a Realistic Eye for Cartoon Character

Showcase your Character Design in the Comments….

Additional Resources:

10 Amazing Illustrator Tutorials

10 Ultimate Photoshop Tutorials

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