
9 Inspirational Bloggers & Freelancers

This is the Guest Post by Tom Walker. If you are interested in writing for us then check out the details here. The life of a successful freelancer is hard, but tremendously rewarding. Without 9 to 5 hours or a boss breathing down your neck, you can pretty much do as you please. You can...

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Most Popular Posts from Creative Blogs

Hello Everyone! Writing a post to put only the best contents and information on the web is really hard thing. But some of the amazing people have made it! They worked hard; they studied hard and always believed in providing only best to their readers and came with the following posts which become the most...

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Letterpress Effects in Web Design- Trends and Tutorials

Develop compelling websites at graphic design school Cincinnati and pursue your creative skills In the earlier days Letterpress effect was achieved by applying ink to the top surface of raised image area, which is then pressed against the paper to transfer the image. This printing was done first on cloths then on papers. Okay! No...

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15+ Super CSS Galleries for your Inspiration

Showcases are the best places to get the inspiration and to know latest design trends. So today, I am going to show you some very cool CSS Galleries. These are the showcases of very beautiful and modern websites where you can also submit your own creation also. If you are stuck in the current design...

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25 Amazing Advertisements & Promotions

Nowadays online advertising is becoming a trend for many business owners. I recently read at Techcruch that after the first three quarters of this year being flat in online advertising now it is up by 1.7 percent from the second quarter of this year.We see different product promotions in our day to day life. But...

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Popular Game Characters of All Time

[digg=]You may have played many games but which one is favorite? Yes, in this post I have included the most popular Game Characters. So, this Sunday get relaxed and have some fun! Take a look at all these characters and get some design inspiration. Have you created any character on your own? Let us know...

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20 Blogs for Designers + 50 Designers on Twitter

Hi! This is the list of Creative Blogs for the Designers. These blogs provide lots of tutorials, resources, inspirations and freebies. So go through all of them and enjoy all the Design stuff. Later in this post you will find list of 50 awesome designers on the Twitter. Follow them and get flooded with incredible...

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20 Great Web Design Tutorials and Inspirations

This post includes excellent Web Design Tutorials and Inspirations. Learn new tricks of web designing and get innovated with the following Inspirations. This is the third article in this series. You will find more such article in this week. Dont want to miss any updates? Just subscribe to RSS or email Updates. Web Design Tutorials...

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