Data visualization is an interactive medium. The best example can be when you book your flight ticket you can find the availability of seats can be shown clearly which helps you to choose the best seat amongst all. Similarly while you search for any particular location be it within your own country or abroad you may find a number of sites which displays the map of that location and you have to point out the exact place by dragging the mouse of your PC.

Image by Paul Mutant
Data visualization is an imaginary process and a lot of examples can be cited in support of this comment. Data visualization allows the users to visualize the same thing on the screens of their computer that they usually visualize in their minds. This allows the user to compare between two things such as both students and doctors are comparing the mortality rate among the men and women who suffer from cancer in two countries like Canada and Mexico.
Data visualization is a comprehensive process which represents information in easier and friendly manner. While searching for a particular information in the internet we often come across with the presentation that has unnecessarily complicated a particular information while presenting.

A number of people especially the bloggers are in love with the infographics ever since they saw it for the first time. They consider it much more powerful than data as the number always says the truth.
Though you may get ample of chances of manipulating data to present the things the ways you want but the numbers will remain unchanged. The world of infographics and data visualization are based only on the grey colors and the various shades of this color. This color combination many times helps the users to stay honest.
Image by byDawi
We can take an example of a blogger who has started a segment named Breaking it Dawn. This segment is a digital only segment where the blogger has to work in the newsroom with a reporter. They work hard to put the infographics together so that it can run with the stories he has written.
But there is a few difficulties that a blogger may face while creating these types of contents such as it demand slots of time and hard work along with details if you want to create them successfully without a single fault. But the job is not that tough and you can easily produce one content each day in between working with mobile or social media platforms, working on the layout of the websites, working with reporter to produce or edit headlines or adding images and videos where necessary in the headlines or giving training to the interns, attending meeting in other rooms, curating UGC and performing other tasks. Otherwise it may be monotonous for you to concentrate on a single task for a longer period of time and that is too on the day when the breaking news does not through the wrench upon the blogger.
Image by Lauren Manning
A number of third party platforms are there to develop infographics for the news organization of the blogger. You can develop some really nice basics which are also quite strong graphs and charts. All these are based on your data. Though a number of bloggers prefer using Photoshop as well to do the same task as it offers the complete control to the users.
If you search you may find a number of examples . One such example is comparing and combining the salaries of the local teachers with the average income of the state.
Post Image by Zeptonn